Scream was originally a painting that a company made into a Halloween costume and Wes Craven discovered the mask and used it.
Halloween, Micheal Myers mask was originally a mask made based off of the character Captain Kirk from Star Trek. Tommy Lee Wallace painted the mask white, tore out the hair and replaced it with other hair. For the most recent Halloween movie, Christopher Nelson created and perfected the mask by adding the effects of it being worn out and damaged due to the age of it.
Friday the 13th, Jason Voorhees was given the hockey mask because the producer Sean Cunningham had created a movie about hockey and just thought it was a good idea.
A Nightmare on Elm Street, Freddy Kruger's ''mask'' is just his face after a terrible burn, however the actor is wearing a mask. The mask explains Freddy's background story while also making him look terrifying, due to every little detail and the realistic look of the burns. His face basically helps wrap the entire film together.
Weapon Props
Scream, Ghostface uses a hunting knife, this specific knife was chosen mainly because it looked very well on screen.
Halloween, originally Micheal just used a basic kitchen knife, which related to the audience how easy it is for someone to just grab any knife in the kitchen and kill another person. However, sometimes Myers weapon of choice is just his bare hands, it demonstrates his strength and shows this is why he is feared so much and just how hard it is to escape.
Friday the 13th, Jason uses a machete as an iconic knife, it was chosen due to its scary look and its well known effect.
A Nightmare on Elm Street, Freddy Kruger wears a leather glove with sharp knives sticking out of the ends as his device for kills. Wes Craven came up with the idea, it was inspired by him watching his cat claw his couch.

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