Saturday, March 7, 2020


One of the locations I am using to film is the house posted below. This is ideally where the house party will take place and the killer will attack. The slasher will walk down the street with a weapon in his hand indicating the killing about to happen. A few yards before the street scene there is a typically more rural area that with the correct shots and angles can be convinced as a completely isolated area. This is where the killer works and where he would hear the music playing from afar. The angles used would be from the killers hand never showing his face to keep the audience at the edge of their seats instilling them with curiosity. Due to the fact that my own film opening is not one hundred percent planned out, the house will give me many options on the different angles and shots; for example, if I do want to expose a slight piece of the killer I could use the reflection of a window to show parts of the slasher.

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